Long Joke: The Egyptian Treasure Hunters

Upon arriving at the pyramid, they are immediately told to leave as the site has already been excavated The friends, not willing to concede, look for a…

Clean Joke

On his way to the protest site he sees one guy dressed from head to toe in red standing on the side of the highway gesturing him…


The preacher, in his Sunday sermon, used “Forgive Your Enemies” as his subject After a long sermon, he asked how many were willing to forgive their enemies….

One Day A Man Walked Into A Sporting Goods Store

One day a man walked into a sporting goods store looking to buy a rifle The man had never been hunting before and asked the clerk if…

Two Texans Die And End-Up In Hell

Two Texans Die And End-Up In Hell Satan decides to pay them a visit, so he walks into their room and sees them talking and laughing Confused,…

Teachers Vs Educators

A high school recently was faced with a unique problem. A number of the girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the…

Story: Plane Tree

Two Travellers, walking in the noonday sun, sought the shade of a wide spreading tree to rest. As they lay looking up among the pleasant leaves, they…

John Hoisted His Beer And Said

John hoisted his beer and said: “Here’s to spending the rest of my life, between the legs of my wife!” That won him the top prize at…

Little Johnny And His Grandma

Little Johnny went to the store with his grandmother. On the way home, he looked through her bags to see what she had purchased. In one package,…

Quick! Give Me A Pint Of Lager!

A Man Rushes Into A Bar And Says, “Quick! Give me a pint of lager!” No sooner does he finish that drink, he orders a whisky and…